Teaching artists Aaleah and Kyle collaborating on a personal lullaby.

One parent presents her personal lullaby in a recent Celebration Concert.

Teaching artists Aaleah and Kyle collaborating on a personal lullaby.
Lullaby Project Pittsburgh, a project of Carnegie Hall’s Weill Music Institute, pairs new and expecting parents and caregivers with professional artists to write and sing personal lullabies for their babies, supporting maternal health, aiding childhood development, and strengthening the bond between parent and child.
Lullaby Project Pittsburgh was initiated in the Fall of 2022 by a team of musicians at Carnegie Mellon University. We are now a community-based project and are proud to be fiscally sponsored by New Sun Rising.
We take pride in serving women and caregivers in the Greater Pittsburgh area who have experienced trauma and/or loss around childbirth.

We learned about the healing power of music and got to experience it firsthand through this project... they gave me the confidence to sing.
Sammy, Fall '22 Participant

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